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  7. Corso Trading ICT - Sessioni, Power Of Three, Market Profiles: Mentorship Episode 3

Corso Trading ICT - Sessioni, Power Of Three, Market Profiles: Mentorship Episode 3

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Explore the insights shared in the third episode of the Corso Trading ICT mentorship series, covering topics like Sessioni, Power Of Three, and Market Profiles. Dive into the detailed discussion and strategies to enhance your trading knowledge and skills.
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Video Transcript

Welcome to the third episode of the mentorship, after a 10 days break because I was quite busy with a lot of things to do
but I'm back. The reason why I upload videos every week or in this case a little more, that is every 10 days, 9 days
is because this is the first time I upload a video.
to do and are quite demanding because I have to go back to the notes and if I have
some blanks of notes because at the beginning I took them on thenote book
now on the computer I have to sort them, so I have to process the notes I have to do an
introduction I have to organize myself
because it's not particularly simple and it takes me hours to organize a video
so this is why it takes a week, but it's actually also useful
that there is only one week and not more because it is useful that those who are
learning have time to digest what they feel and therefore not
to have all the information that comes together
also to be able to rework them and try to understand everything well
then one always depends on the commitment that the person puts in, but
it is generally better to receive the information slowly rather than all together
so let's start right away with what to do
Let's see what we're going to talk about today.
First of all, the sessions schedule, so you can start watching them.
I also marked the forex sessions, but as I said, this mentorship is mainly based on indexes,
which for some may be more uncomfortable than forex for the sake of CFA.
but in the EU there are CFDs and not contracts like in the US, so it's not a big deal.
You just have to understand how the indexes work.
Then the typical sessions movements,
which are basically what usually happens in the morning, what happens in the evening,
I don't know why I put it twice, but it's the same as the fourth point.
And then when to operate and when not to operate, that is, when to let the market lose.
Because we also realize before the session that it is not the case to operate.
And market profiles, what I just said, that is, these are explained in the manual.
I also want to mention the Core Content DCT mentorship, which was the part that sold for a while, so it's not the one of 2022 on YouTube, but it's important to know them.
Power of Three, which always refers to Market Profiles.
And then an example, which is the 14th of September session, with a trade copy.

Video Summary & Chapters

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Video Transcript

Welcome to the third episode of the mentorship, after a 10 days break because I was quite busy with a lot of things to do
but I'm back. The reason why I upload videos every week or in this case a little more, that is every 10 days, 9 days
is because these episodes to do are quite demanding because I have to take notes
if I have some blanks of notes from the 2022 mentorship because at the beginning I took them on the notebook
now on the computer I have to sort them out so I have to rework the notes
I have to make a presentation, I have to organize the speech because it is not particularly simple
and it takes me hours to organize a video
so this is why it takes a week
but in reality it is also useful that there is only one week and not more because
it's useful that the one who is learning has the time to digest what he hears and therefore does not have all the information that comes to him together
also to be able to rework it and try to understand everything well, then it always depends on the commitment that the person puts in
but it is generally better to receive the information slowly rather than all together
So, let's start with what we are going to talk about today.
First of all, the sessions schedule, so you can start watching them.
I also marked the forex ones, but as I said, this mentorship is mainly based on indexes,
which for some may be more uncomfortable than forex, due to the issue of CFDs, lots and everything,
but in fact in the EU we are lucky because there are CFDs in every contract, like in the US,
so to tell the truth, little changes, you just have to understand how the indexes work.
Then the typical movements of the sessions, that is, practically what usually happens in the morning,
what happens in the afternoon, which is actually the same as the fourth point, I don't know why I put it twice,
and then when to operate and when not, that is, practically when to let the market lose,
because we also realize before the session that it is not the case to operate.
and market profiles, what I just said, that is, these are explained in the mentorship of the core content of ct, which was the part that sold for a while, so it is not that of 2022 on youtube, but it is important in my opinion to know them,
Power of Three, which always refers to Market Profiles, and then an example, which is the session of September 14th, with a trade that I took on a demo account, which I will put at the end of the video.
First I will explain the session and everything, then at the end of the video I will put the video of when I took that trade and I will explain in the background, while I speed up the video of the session, what I did and why I opened it.
Anyway, let's start with the sessions schedules.
The index ones are with the New York time zone set on the training view,
from 9.30 in the morning, which is 15.30 Italian time,
to 11 in the morning, which is 17 Italian time.
And this is what we are mainly interested in,
because in the morning we usually have a movement that, at least for me,
because it's the one I do the most often,
but it's also the one that I think is more accurate, it's better to do it than the one in the afternoon, which however I'm not saying it doesn't work, but in my opinion it has a higher precision in the morning.
As for the forex, I have marked them, but I repeat I will not talk about them because this mentorship focuses on indexes, because I only do indexes, I use forex as a reference point.
so I can't give you any advice on how to do it on indexes
I know that on forex I'm not the most competent person in the world
so I'll leave it, because I'm not interested, I only focus on indexes
because I'm enough to be able to do trading
knowing Nasdaq S&P is enough to be able to do trading
as if one did forex, knowing only EURUSD is enough to be able to do trading
so it's useful to specialize on something rather than on 50 indexes of foreign nations or 50 pages of forex that are of little use
so it's always better to specialize on one or two things and understand well how they work over time
for example I have been watching sessions every day for a year and a half so I know what to expect from the indexes
At this point we start talking about market profiles, which is the typical movement that we expect from a day in ideal conditions.
In ideal conditions it means that on a day where we have a direction, so we have an idea of where the price wants to go, we expect something like this.
Then it may happen that the day is in consolidation all the time and so we don't have a setup.
If we don't have a setup, we don't open any operations, so we're stuck for the day.
as I explained in the first episode, a person can realistically expect 8-10% per month, which is not a bad month, it is an average performance and it is also quite important to tell the truth.
so if we take only 10 trades, we make a mistake of 3, we take 7, we make a 11% per month, so 10 trades per month means that 1 day out of 2 we don't operate, so even if we operate 1 day out of 2 we are fine.
So this is to say that we are looking for the best conditions in which we can operate, and when we don't know where the price wants to go, it is certainly not an ideal condition,

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