Однажды Джорджи, Жиромелька и Капот гуляли на улице и болтали с друзьями. А потом они каким-то образом попали в "Игру в Спрута".
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Video Summary & Chapters
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Video Transcript
In one big metropolis lived a cat
George, Jeremelka and Kapot
Three cats
Two cats
And one cat
The game of Sprute
Once George, Jeremelka and Kapot
were walking on the street and chatting with friends
Can you imagine?
We were doing our business
Together with our computer
Everything exploded into the trash
It's not beautiful!
It would be much worse
if it were aliens
just in my creeper
there was a failure
and he confused my chuchula
with your house
George, go home
ok mom
ok, while we are called
What the hell is this?
I don't know! Let's throw it away!
Where are we?
We don't know!
ERC bus stop.
What the hell is this?
Who the hell knows?
Hello! You just...
We are in the test and reaction center of Graf Sprud.
If you can pass the game, you will receive 500 million rubles.
To be continued
If the liver breaks, you will be.
Well done.
Yes, I did it!
What else?
No! Big fat...
Well done!
Well done!
Well done!
It's ugly!
Your goal is to reach the glass to the finish line.
One of the glasses is fake.