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- 【FULL】baby自夸“演技好”被暴揍?超能力撕名牌大黑牛惨遭花式围剿《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP4 20190517 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
【FULL】baby自夸“演技好”被暴揍?超能力撕名牌大黑牛惨遭花式围剿《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP4 20190517 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
每周五更新!新加坡/台湾/马来西亚周日上线正片哦~ 本期看点:王彦霖Lucas联盟合力“屠牛”,郑恺史上被撕最多次数。
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【FULL】baby自夸“演技好”被暴揍?超能力撕名牌大黑牛惨遭花式围剿《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP4 20190517 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
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· 《#奔跑吧兄弟》全6季:http://bit.ly/2WW9uOx
· 《#奔跑吧2》:http://bit.ly/2GRZQcw
· 《#奔跑吧1》:http://bit.ly/2oZuarH
· Keep Running2 ENGSUB :http://bit.ly/2qm3iBF
· Keep Running ENGSUB:http://bit.ly/2pzT9P3
· Running Man China S4 ENGSUB: http://bit.ly/1qfn8LL
· Running Man China S3 ENGSUB: http://bit.ly/1T6UOXq
· 2019《#奔跑吧》第3季是由浙江卫视制作的大型户外竞技真人秀节目的标杆之作,是节目《奔跑吧兄弟》的第7季。
· 本季固定嘉宾为:#李晨、#Angelababy(杨颖)、#郑恺、#朱亚文、#王彦霖、#Lucas黄旭熙 、#宋雨琦。前两季固定主持#迪丽热巴、#邓超、#陈赫、#鹿晗、#王祖蓝 因档期原因退出。
Video Summary & Chapters
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Video Transcript
【The second round】
It's a fake
【The third round】
Little sister, you are good at dancing
Now you are so good at dancing
I have no business
Which is the best?
The best is the one that can cure the leg
Help me, please
You are taking medicine?
You sing for him
【Li Chen's singing】
【Li Chen's singing】
You are so careless
You are so angry
Let's do it this way
I have a headache
What's your symptom?
The teacher taught me the first second
I will get it in the next second
Come on, sister
Give me the medicine
I will laugh at you
I know how to do it
【I'm so angry】
【I'm so angry】
I'm so angry
Let's start
There are fishes in the water
Raise your head
There are birds in the sky
The weather is good
Let's make a beauty test
【The second day】
So beautiful
What are you doing?
I'm here to sell vegetables
Don't block my way
Bro, this is for you
Add vegetables on the net
Let me put it here
Add water?
Add vegetables?
Let me have a look
Are you here to see him?
No, I just pass by
Pass by?