Bunny Maloney: Doctor Ookie (French Dub Remastered, 1080p)
Watch Bunny Maloney as Doctor Ookie in this remastered French dub, now available in stunning 1080p quality. Join the hilarious medical adventures as the characters navigate through embarrassing diseases and celebrity endorsements in Bennyville.
Video Summary & Chapters
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Video Transcript
And it works in pieces!
That's true, my friends.
And for those of you who have a shameful disease,
like Ting,
who, every time he's naked,
finds a little gift in his underwear.
This little curtain on the side guarantees total confidentiality.
For a medical consultation guaranteed 100% mechanical,
be welcome to the Doctor Who-Kim-A-Thon today.
Hey hey hey, I'm doing anime!
Guys, this ad spot is terrible.
Stan needs us.
We're going to use our celebrity to make his invention known.
Our patients are rushing down the streets of Bennyville to receive...
General, you ensure the maintenance of order within this crowd of contagious losers.
Have you tried the Ukimaton?
Affirmative, young civilian. The machine to control my prostate at 2 p.m., huh?
It's nothing to do with Lucky Maton, you just entered a pizzeria!
These Italians are a curse!
Oh! The secret services!
I've been told there's cat shit in the queue because of a citizen who's been monopolizing the cabin for 6 hours for a psychotherapy!
When I defend my ideas and my moral values, I get rid of my anger with a smoothie!
Mmm! That's refreshing!
Once we understand how this ukimato works, we'll make a new version for tourists, cheap cheap!
You never wondered what your life would have looked like if you had had enough oxygen at birth?
The buffalo's beak does not reach the white dove, but knowing you, I know...
Because you want to
Listen guys, Stan is our friend
And we're going to advertise him, whatever happens
Come on Bonnie, RAH!
You're pregnant for... 6 weeks?
Hey, wait a minute
This thing is biologically impossible
I wonder...
Maybe in fact...
I'm going to eat for two!