8 Invaluable Life Lessons I Wish I Had Known Earlier
Discover the valuable insights gained from years of experience, including building a massive social media following, traveling extensively, experiencing personal setbacks, and starting anew. Learn 8 important life lessons for immediate application in your own journey.
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1. Valuable Lesson: Question Your Beliefs
Align yourself with your own definitions of success.
2. Valuable Lesson: Be Kind and Generous
Benefits of kindness and genuine interest in others.
3. Valuable Lesson: Belief in Yourself
Don't expect everyone to believe in your extraordinary goals.
4. Guarding Ideas 🗡
Importance of sharing ideas selectively.
5. Prioritize Health 🏋
Highlighting health as a top priority for success.
6. Life's Nuances 📖
Learning valuable lessons from life's challenges.
7. Building Strength Through Challenges 💪
Learn to grow stronger during tough times.
8. Embracing Urgency ⏳
Realize the importance of being urgent with your actions.
9. Embracing Humility 🙏
Discover the power of humility in personal growth.
10. Authenticity Through Humility 💬
Being genuine and authentic by letting go of ego.
11. Belief in Possibilities 🌟
Realizing that anything is achievable with effort.
Video Transcript
in the past few years of my life a lot
has happened I built a social media
following of just under 3 million people
across all my social media platforms
I've traveled to multiple different
countries I've had my family house
burned down I've moved into my dream
apartment I've even started to see my
hairline reced so quite a lot has
happened and quite a lot has changed and
over these past few years I've gained
some extremely valuable lessons that I
wish somebody would have told me sooner
so I didn't have to wait to learn them
that I could just get them right away
which is why today I've compiled eight
extremely valuable lessons I wish
somebody would have told me sooner so
that hopefully if you guys listen and
you implement some of these things maybe
it can change your life as well so the
first lesson is question all of your
beliefs now I'm going to give you guys a
really easy example but you want to
apply these same things to all of the
other beliefs as well so let's just use
what is the definition of success as an
example for 99% of us and I was guilty
of this as well when I thought of the
successful life I thought of mansions
supercars women luxury travel shopping
spree right a lot of us think that
that's what success really is and it's
easy to believe that because that is
what social media glamorizes but is that
actually what success means to you maybe
success isn't any of those things maybe
success is just being able to wake up
every single day and truly enjoy what
you're doing genuinely have interest in
what you're doing maybe it's your a
father and a successful life to you is
raising kids that you can actually be
proud of maybe success to you is just
actually giving yourself up to God and
fully accepting him into your life maybe
success is just being able to be
yourself you're not having to put on a
facade you are extremely genuine and
authentic maybe that is what success is