فيلم تعليمي: كيفية إتمام صفة العمرة بالنية الصحيحة
استكشف فيلم تعليمي حول صفة العمرة ومراحلها من النية الصادقة حتى الإتمام. تعرف على كيفية الحج عن طريق إزالة الشعر والعناية بالجسم دون المساس بزينة الثوب والاستعداد للرحلة من الميقات. تعرف على أهم الأماكن على طريق العمرة والتحضير الروحي لهذه الرحلة المباركة.
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Emotions that cannot be described, only those who live them know them.
Glory be to God!
How beautiful are the scents of longing when the old house's scenes make them feel fresh.
God Almighty said,
I complete the pilgrimage and the Umrah for God.
The Mu'tamir prefers to do the Umrah before the pilgrimage,
for cleansing and purification.
hair removal and the pain. And the parting of the nails and the whitening of the body without
touching the beauty of the Hijram clothes. White as the white of the empty newspaper of
sins. The prohibitionist wears the hijab and the turban. As for the woman, she wears
clothes that match the house of God, not decorated with adornment. The journey of majesty begins from the
Meekat. On the way to Mecca.
Every Mu'tamir passes by the time of his arrival. The local times are Dhul-Hulayfa,
Abyar Ali for the people of Madinah. Al-Juhfa, Rabigh for the people of the Levant. The century of
houses. The Great Flood for the people of Najd. Yelamlam, Saudi Arabia for the people of Yemen.
The people of Iraq are the people of Iraq, and these are the times for their people and for those who came to them from other than their people.
The people of Mecca forbid from the nearest place, which is outside the limits of the Haram.
It is Sunnah to pass the traveler on foot, so he makes the intention of Umrah saying
God has given you a life, and if he fears that he will not be able to reach the temple, he must comply with his words,
if I am trapped, I am in my place where you are trapped, as for passing through the Mecca, like a traveler,
air or sea, he must intend to go to the temple during the circumambulations, and it is not permissible for him to cross the
Mecca without the temple.
forbidden, the Mu'tamer must avoid the prohibitions, which are first, cutting or
cutting something from the hair of the head or body. Second, trimming the nails. Third,
dressing the body and clothing. Fourth, wearing a scarf. Fifth, covering the head.
Sixth, the group or its introductions. Seventh, hunting. Eighth, wearing
gloves and a mask for women. Ninth, the contract of marriage or the sermon.
love and generosity, the Mu'tamir enters the Sacred House. He puts his right foot forward,
As it is mentioned in the authentic Sunnah, saying,
O Allah, send blessings upon the Messenger of Allah.
I seek refuge in Allah the Great,
and in His Noble Face,
and in His ancient authority
from the cursed Satan.
O Allah, open to me the doors of Your mercy.
By watching the Kaaba,
he stops the recitation,
and he heads towards the rock of the Black Stone.
to start circumambulating from him
The Sunnah is to do the Ziba'a
which is to put his shawl under his right arm
revealing his right shoulder
and to cover his left shoulder with both sides of the shawl
Then he starts circumambulating with the black stone
pointing to him saying
Allah Akbar
and he is given the touch and reception of the black stone
If he is not hurting anyone, and if he cannot, he receives it with a stick or a stick and accepts it.
And if he cannot touch or receive and point to it, he does not accept what he pointed to.
It is required for the health of the circumambulation that the group be on a purification of the smallest and largest event,