تحليل وتقرير لفيلم سفر دانيال المترجم بالعربية
استمتع بتحليل وملخص مثير لفيلم سفر دانيال المترجم بالعربية، يتضمن الفيلم قصة ملهمة ومشوقة حول عودة الناس إلى أرضهم وتحقيق الوعد الصادق. اكتشف الشخصيات الرئيسية والأحداث البارزة التي تجعل هذا الفيلم لا يُنسى.
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When 70 years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise and bring you back to this land.
My heart grows with excitement that now, that time has come.
And the old man who comes unbidden is often a fool.
And less often come as assassins.
Perhaps a foolish assassin.
Forgive us my king.
Do you know whom you address?
He is the king of Babylon.
Ruler of the four quarters of the earth.
He served Aria as well after he captured the city in your name.
It is said he spent a night in the lion's den.
The beast would not touch him.
Is this true?
It is.
I know who you are now. Tell me while you're here.
I seek to tell you a story.
A tale of four kings
One great, one foolish, one who has been deceived
And one who is destined to be regarded as wise for all the ages of the world to come
Stories from your imagination
No, King
For I will speak only the truth
And if you would not wish to hear it
You must bid me speak nothing
You will give us entertainment while we eat
My King
We're expected in Babylon this evening
The palace will be there in the morning
As you wish
I cannot, oh King
My King, the Hebrews eat and drink only their own food
which is prepared according to the rituals to do otherwise even from the hand of the
king is to defile themselves.
You promised me a tale for in fact I delayed my journey to listen I will hear them now.
So be it my lord.
The first king I will speak of is Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
God, when I was just a boy, He threw down the Assyrian Empire, my people's ancient nemesis.
But the destruction of Israel's enemies brought us no relief, because in the third year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, He turned His gaze upon Jerusalem and besieged it.
and the Lord delivered the King of Judea into his hand
along with all of his officers, nobles and administrators
We the exiles arrived in Babuwa
Nebuchadnezzar ordered Ashpinarz, his chief eunuch
to select some of his rights
from the royal family and nobility
young men without any physical defect
and showing aptitude for every kind of learning
one of whom was myself