I Gave People $1,000,000 To Spend in 1 Minute Challenge!
Watch as people are given the chance to spend $1 million in just 60 seconds. Will they be able to fill up their carts with extravagant items? Find out in this thrilling challenge video!
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Video Transcript
- This is $1 million in cash.
Now I'm gonna give
random people one minute
to try to spend all this money.
Karl start the timer.
You guys have 60 seconds,
whatever you put in
this cart I will pay for
up to $1 million.
(crickets chirping)
Starting now.
- Go, go.
- It's been six seconds.
(upbeat music)
Oh, that's a big TV for our cart.
- [Chris] Who wants one more TV?
(upbeat music continues)
- It's almost been a minute.
It's almost been a minute.
Almost been a minute.
Oh, and it has been officially a minute.
On the dot, no extra time.
You did good, little man.
I told these guys I'd pay
for whatever they put in this card.
Let's see the damage.
Holy crap, you grabbed so many gift cards.
And these are $10 to $500.
Look how many he grabbed.
$13,000 in gift cards.
Play back him grabbing these in slow mo
and put "Play of the day."
(dramatic music)
Oh, boys.
They managed to spend
$18,000 in under a minute,
which is below $1 million.
So congratulations, you guys
get to keep all this stuff.
- Yeah!
(boys cheering)
- Our next location is this
entire jewelry store here.
Jewelry is really expensive.
As you can see, this stuff
here costs $900,000 by itself,
and all this stuff here cost $1.3 million.
And of all the stores,
if someone was to spend $1
million, this would be it.
For this next one we have
Ashley here. Here's a bowl.
In a second I'm gonna start this timer.
Whatever you put in this bowl
before this timer hits
30 seconds, I'll pay for.
Starting now.
(group yelling)
- Go. Go. What do you want?
What do you want? Tell me, tell me.
- Just put it in the bowl.
- Chandler.
Chandler, catch.