КГБ Китая: Самая загадочная спецслужба мира?
Узнайте о Китайском КГБ - Министерстве Государственной Безопасности, которое тщательно скрывает свои действия от глаз общественности. Исследуйте их влияние, участие в шпионаже, контрразведке и киберспецслужбах как одновременного разведывательного агента и секретной полиции с уникальными технологиями отслеживания.
Video Summary & Chapters
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Video Transcript
If you think that CIA and Mossad are the most powerful secret services in the world,
then I have a surprise for you.
There is one organization that works quietly, but its influence covers the whole world.
It almost leaves no traces, but its spies are everywhere.
They don't shoot Hollywood blockbusters, but in real life it can be much more dangerous.
This is the Ministry of State Security of China, or simply Ministry of State Security.
Have you ever heard of it? Most likely not.
Do you know why? Because it doesn't want you to know about it.
The MSS is simultaneously intelligence, counterintelligence, secret police and cyber units.
It controls the Chinese abroad, recruits foreign agents,
attacks servers of Western corporations and interferes in the politics of other countries.
Its methods are so secretive that even the analysts of the US special services admit
We don't know how deep they got.
How did this special service appear?
secret operations, how it uses the latest technologies for tracking the world, and most importantly,
what countries work with Chinese spies.
Today we will reveal almost 10 of the most intriguing facts about the most secretive
intelligence service in the world.
Be ready, after this video you will look at China in a completely different way.
Hello everyone, my name is Dany Skoshelev, here I am telling you about the events that have
happened a long time ago and their history.
You are raising the general radio.
Let's go!
When it comes to special services, we usually imagine the CIA, the British MI6 or the Israeli Mossad.
But in China there is an organization that is much less known, but is much more dangerous.
The Ministry of State Security of the MSS.
And this is not just intelligence, this is a whole shadow empire that controls the world.
millions of people, conducts cyberwars and secret operations around the world.
But where did it come from?
The history of the USSR began in 1983, when China was in a period of rapid changes.
The country was gaining strength from the market reforms of Deng Xiaoping.
China was opening up to the world, and with it, new threats grew.
Spying, foreign influence, internal protests.
The Communist Party of China realized that it needed a powerful special service,
capable of not only guarding the borders, but also controlling everything and everyone.
Previously, two completely different structures were engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence in China.
The first is the Central Research Department, which was engaged in foreign intelligence, but had limited powers.
But counterintelligence was already part of the Ministry of Public Safety
and fought with foreign agents, but could not carry out offensive operations.
In 1983, two of these structures merged into one.
in the Ministry of State Security, which took control of both intelligence and counterintelligence,
information operations and political repressions.
Now the Ministry of State Security operates not only inside China, but also around the world.
It monitors dissidents in the United States, recruits agents in Europe,
implements spy technologies in Africa, and its employees officially work as diplomats,
businessmen, journalists, but in fact they collect data and promote China's interests.
Unlike CIA or Mossad, the MSS does not have loud revelations and spy scandals.
It acts imperceptibly, but effectively. How exactly? We will tell you more about this.
And remember that your likes and comments under this video make you a good person and help this video to be promoted.
If the MSS was a regular special service, we could at least roughly estimate its size.
Video Summary & Chapters
No chapters for this video generated yet.
Video Transcript
If you think that CIA and Mossad are the most powerful secret services in the world,
then I have a surprise for you.
There is one organization that works quietly, but its influence covers the whole world.
It almost leaves no traces, but its spies are everywhere.
They don't shoot Hollywood blockbusters, but in real life it can be much more dangerous.
This is the Ministry of State Security of China, or simply Ministry of State Security.
Have you ever heard of it? Most likely not.
Do you know why? Because it doesn't want you to know about it.
The MSS is simultaneously intelligence, counterintelligence, secret police and cyber units.
It controls the Chinese abroad, recruits foreign agents,
attacks servers of Western corporations and interferes in the politics of other countries.
Its methods are so secretive that even the analysts of the US special services admit
We don't know how deep they got.
How did this special service appear?
secret operations, how it uses the latest technologies for tracking the world, and most importantly,
what countries work with Chinese spies.
Today we will reveal almost 10 of the most intriguing facts about the most secretive
intelligence service in the world.
Be ready, after this video you will look at China in a completely different way.
Hello everyone, my name is Dany Skoshelev, here I am telling you about the events that have
happened a long time ago and their history.
You are raising the general radio.
Let's go!
When it comes to special services, we usually imagine the CIA, the British MI6 or the Israeli Mossad.
But in China there is an organization that is much less known, but is much more dangerous.
The Ministry of State Security of the MSS.
And this is not just intelligence, this is a whole shadow empire that controls the world.
millions of people, conducts cyberwars and secret operations around the world.
But where did it come from?
The history of the USSR began in 1983, when China was in a period of rapid changes.
The country was gaining strength from the market reforms of Deng Xiaoping.
China was opening up to the world, and with it, new threats grew.
Spying, foreign influence, internal protests.
The Communist Party of China realized that it needed a powerful special service,
capable of not only guarding the borders, but also controlling everything and everyone.
Previously, two completely different structures were engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence in China.
The first is the Central Research Department, which was engaged in foreign intelligence, but had limited powers.
But counterintelligence was already part of the Ministry of Public Safety
and fought with foreign agents, but could not carry out offensive operations.
In 1983, two of these structures merged into one.
in the Ministry of State Security, which took control of both intelligence and counterintelligence,
information operations and political repressions.
Now the Ministry of State Security operates not only inside China, but also around the world.
It monitors dissidents in the United States, recruits agents in Europe,
implements spy technologies in Africa, and its employees officially work as diplomats,
businessmen, journalists, but in fact they collect data and promote the interests of China.
Unlike CIA or Mossad, the MSS does not have loud revelations and spy scandals.
It acts imperceptibly, but effectively. How exactly? We will tell you more about this.
And remember that your likes and comments under this video make you a good person and help this video to be promoted.
If the MSS was a regular special service, we could at least roughly estimate its size.