Is Trump Actually Good For Markets? | Weekly Roundup
Explore the impact of Trump administration on the markets in this weekly roundup. Join the discussion at the upcoming crypto conference in New York and get insights from industry experts. Don't miss out on this informative event!
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Network crypto's Premier institutional
conference is returning to New York on
March 18th to 20th we're hosting one of
the world's best crypto conferences for
institutional and professionals alike
it's going to be a ton of fun I'm going
to be there hosting a variety of
different panels I'll be doing a
fireside chat with Muhammad aleran a
different macro panel with Jim biano and
Joseph Wang and we're also going to be
doing a live for guidance round up there
where myself Tyler and Quinn will be
chopping It Up live for the guys
Emporium so make sure to get your
tickets it's going to sell out quick I
know it it's going to be a ton of fun so
come on out and yeah just hit the link
in the show notes and you can go
purchase your ticket
today all right what's going on guys
welcome back to another Roundup edition
of Ford guidance and in the dearly
miscon continued absence of Tyler we had
to we had to pull in the big guns this
week we had to we had to you know use
our use our phone to friend option this
week and call in the big gun so we got
Mike back so we can we can formally
bring back the guys in porium this week
and Mike we missed you man how are you
the guys Emporium guys I've been looking
forward to this all week uh it's good to
be back it's good to be back fellas how
we been do have you this kind of feels
like when um uh you have like a sit in
or like an audit like you know uh big
boss comes down you know from corporate
and he's sitting there just you know I'm
fly on the wall
I just want to see how it's done here I
taking my notes
I'm I see you're not wearing your Maga
hat today Quinn yeah yeah like brushed
up right yeah exactly sh everything yeah
yeah it's like when you're in high
school and you're uh and the principal