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- 40km per 2 dienas. Einame žygį per audrą bei stovyklaujame miške prie jūros.
40km per 2 dienas. Einame žygį per audrą bei stovyklaujame miške prie jūros.
Mūsų internetinį puslapį bei soc. tinklus rasite čia:
Šiame video pamatysite kaip mes einame 20 kilometrų žygį primyn bei atgal (iš viso 40km.) iš Kretingos pusės į Palangos pusę (netoli Olando Kepurės), per audrą, naktį stovyklaujame prie jūros ir kitą dieną pavargę grįžtame namo.
Daina naudota video įraše: hard life - FORTUNE COOKIE
00:00 - 03:11 - Iškeliaujam
03:11 - 09:24 - Pirmos kliūtys
09:24 - 10:45 - Sustojame pailsėti
10:45 - 11:11 - Einame toliau
11:11 - 11:46 - Ryti mes čia
11:46 - 13:05 - Atgal į kelią
13:05 - 13:47 - Vėl stojam
13:47 - 15:55 - Einam toliau
15:55 - 16:38 - Vėl stop
16:38 - 22:04 - Einam? Einam.
22:04 - 22:14 - Trumpas sustojimas
22:14 - 23:50 - Liko nedaug
23:50 - 24:30 - Pajūris :)
24:30 - 27:54 - Įsikuriam nakčiai
27:54 - 28:55 - Gulam, keliamės.
28:55 - 32:00 - Ruošiamės išvykti
32:00 - 33:08 - Nu ir jūra
33:08 - 34:57 - Parkeliaujam
34:57 - 35:41 - Antras Pirmas sustojimas
35:41 - 38:20 - Tikrai Liko nedaug
38:20 - 38:58 - Atiduodam Rytį
38:58 - 42:04 - Paskutinė atkarpa
42:04 - 43:00 - Tiesus kelias iki namų
43:00 - 44:16 - Pabaiga
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Video Transcript
So we are going to 20km to the sea
We ate
We are going for about 2 minutes
And we are going to see Aldris and the sea
I think it's time to get to know each other better.
So, me and Viktoria are the insomnia creators.
And we have shoes.
Please don't jump, just for the sake of this video.
I thought you were doing it for us.
No, I'm doing it for you, you're 40km away.
Well, yes, for our own safety.
You can go to our website, there will be our Instagram, Facebook, Youtube
When you finish the drubužai, the website will be open and we will post a video on Instagram, Facebook
We are starting to split up
I'm going to get out of the tent
Aleksandras, the company
According to
where we are and what we are prepared for
and where we are going
you can say that
I would like to stay
in the country
and my friends
the country
I used to go to
And from the woods where we were going
Free Pepsi
This is our guy
He's a bit far
So this is Vygantas, my friend from childhood
20 years I imagine
You imagine, I don't understand
He's old
And somewhere, Victoria
One of the creators.
Well, the creator of the company.
And I'm here with Viktoria.
Who's a little friend, because she likes me.
And I'm here with Alex Vaikščiauskas, because he's a little friend of mine.
And then he regretted that we came.
Yeah, well, I'll eat the first 10 kilos, and then everything will be fine.
And our fire. We haven't seen each other for three years.
So, we thought of each other.
Good day.
Good day.
Everyone's drunk.
We are going 20km to the sea
We will be there at night