GLORY 98 Main Event: Uku Jurjendal vs. Jamal Ben Saddik Preview
Get ready for an electrifying match as kickboxing star Jamal Ben Saddik returns to the ring to face Estonian slugger Uku Jurjendal in the main event of GLORY 98. Ben Saddik, representing Morocco, aims to capture the elusive heavyweight belt after a 2.5-year hiatus, while Jurjendal looks to make a name for himself in this high-stakes battle.
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on February 22nd Glory will begin its
2025 campaign with the highly
anticipated return of one of its biggest
stars Glory 98 will Mark Jamal Benin
sadik's first appearance inside the ring
since August of 2022 representing
Morocco Ben sadik has become the face of
kickboxing in that Nation with a devout
fan base behind him eager to capture the
elusive heavyweight belt with title
aspirations on his mind Ben sadik is
jumping right into the fire after a 2
and 1/2 year Hiatus he will square off
against Estonian Slugger uku urall and
the glory 98 Main Event I'm really
ready and um it is um honor to fight
this kind of Legend like Jamal well
first of all be careful what you wish
for cuz when I enter the ring I bring
some really Knockouts with me and it's
little bit personal to to win this fight
for for me for for for my Moroccan
people for my Moroccan brothers and
sisters around the world so it's a
little bit
personal though Jamal bin sadik will own
most of the spotlight come February 22nd
his opponent uku urall doesn't mind at
all an intimidating presence who's more
than happy to let his fists do the
talking for him Ur andal has quietly
emerged as one of the scariest heavy
weights on the roster this time hey
those three landed kicks from Ur doll
and he put him down they're going to
call that a knockdown hu
Ur what a KO win he just came out of
nowhere from he went punch for punch
with the big guy and it was a mistake
entering the glory ranks in February of
2023 as a relative unknown he struggled
in his glory debut demoted to the
prelims Ur andal rebounded in a big way
scoring first round Knockouts in his
next two fights
then came as opportunity for a
breakthrough urall closed out as 2023
campaign with an emphatic knockout
victory over kickboxing Legend B Hari
here we go B Hari uku