열기 활활! 몸싸움 치열한 출정식 이벤트 - 신나는 Spiderman 김영규의 믿고 보는 데뷔 무대!
감동과 재미를 선사하는 몸싸움 치열한 출정식 이벤트! 신나는 Spiderman 김영규의 믿고 보는 데뷔 무대가 열립니다. 지금 시작해보세요!
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Video Transcript
This is the place!
So cool!
He looks so cool!
I asked for a new pose, but I like it.
Aren't you too old for this?
I can speak Korean, but I can't speak English.
Why am I the only one talking?
I'm only 24 years old!
I was so surprised.
I'll give you a chance to win.
Get ready.
Spiderman, Kim Young-gyu.
Kim Young-gyu, get ready.
Park Geun-ji.
This is not enough.
This is not enough.
It's a match.
It's a match.
It's a match.
It's a match.
He's good at this.
The first team won!
Team Red won!
I didn't know they would do well.
We won.
Team Red is black and red.
Team Red is purple and red.
But it's a stop rule.
It's too strong.
It's too strong.
I don't think it's too strong.
You're not strong enough.
You're not strong enough.
Not good.
I'm sorry for Park.
I'm sorry for Park.
No, I'm not.
Yellow is good.
The second place is
Red, white.
Jung Woo-young is good.
Jung Woo Young is good
If you do it like this, you're still a player.