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- Understanding Maximum Suction Lift and its Equations for Pumps
Understanding Maximum Suction Lift and its Equations for Pumps
Learn about maximum suction lift or suction height for pumps in this informative video by Professor Vishal Tendulkar. Discover the meaning of maximum suction lift, how to calculate it using energy equations, and its significance in determining the maximum height of the suction pipe.
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I am Professor Vishal Tendulkar.
Welcome to my YouTube channel.
In this video, I teach you the maximum suction lift or a suction height.
In this video, we derived the equations for a maximum suction lift.
Now, what is the meaning of maximum suction lift?
Means it is a maximum height of the suction pipe.
Suppose we are installing this pump and we are thinking that we are putting the suction
pipe that slant is 1 kilometer and they are serve the water from the 1 kilometer depth.
So, it is not possible that have a certain equations to finding out the maximum land
of the suction pipe.
Okay, so, we deriving these equations by applying the energy equations.
So, these are the figures of a centrifugal pump.
This is the centrifugal pump, this is the impeller, this is a suction pipe and this
is the height of the suction pipe hs.
HS means the water level in a sum to the distance means at the center of the circle.
the pump it is known as the HS and VS is the velocity of the water in the suction pipe.
So, considering the centrifugal pump as shown in the figure which lift a liquid from a sump
and the free surface of the liquid is at the depth of HS below the center of this impeller.
This is the center of the impeller, this is the water surface, this is known as the HS
that is the suction head.
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Now we are applying the energy equations at the free surface of the liquid and inlet of
the impeller.
So, we are applying the Bernoulli's equations or energy equations at this is the one surface
or that we require two sections.
So, this is a section that is atmospheric section.
and this is a section 1 1 means it is at the center of this impeller.
So, at the where is the
water level that is known as the sum and at the sum that is atmospheric conditions.
So that we are using the atmospheric terms and for an impeller we are using the 1 term.
So we are applying this Bernoulli's equation and energy equations at the sum that is a
pressure energy that is P atmosphere upon rho g plus water velocity in a sum that is
velocity energy V atmosphere square upon 2g plus depth that is a Z atmosphere
equal to the energy at the inlet of the impeller that is all the term denoted as
the one that is a P1 upon rho g pressure energy V1 square upon 2g velocity
energy plus Z1 that is a depth and HFS that is a friction losses in a suction
pipe. So, when the water is supplied from the sump to the impeller in a pipe there is
a different losses that is a friction losses.
energy is reduced at the inlet of this impeller so we adding this energy that is known as
the HFS. Now what is P atmosphere? That is atmospheric pressure on a free surface of
a liquid. V atmosphere means velocity of the liquid at a free surface and it is considered
zero because in the sum water is stationary it has no velocity. So its velocity V atmosphere
is considered zero that means this term is totally zero. Now next is Z atmosphere that
is the height of free surface from the datum. So, this sum level we are considering the
datum. So, Z atmosphere is zero. Next P1 that is the pressure at inlet of the pump means
here that is known as the pressure. Now next one is the Z1 that is the height of inlet
of pump from the datum hs. Z1 means height from this
center of the impeller to the water level in the sump and it's equal to the hs that
is suction head.