Master Python for Coding Interviews: Complete Guide
Learn everything you need to know about using Python for coding interviews. Discover tips and tricks from a former Google employee who landed a job using Python. Python is considered easier than other languages, making it a valuable skill to have for your coding interview success.
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hey everyone welcome back and let's
write some more neat code today so today
I want to cover everything you need to
know about python for coding interviews
if you're new here a little bit about my
background I started the channel a
couple years ago at the beginning of the
pandemic I was unemployed and I made
solutions to coding interview questions
in python and a little over a year after
that I eventually got a job at Google
and I pretty much used python throughout
all my interviews and I think it was
really helpful because python is so much
easier than most languages it's super
concise I've actually never written a
line of python code at any jobs or
internships I've ever had I literally
learned python just for coding
interviews and it's definitely been
worth it if you're already familiar with
python I hope you learned some tips and
tricks from this video and if you use
other languages like Java or C plus plus
I hope by the end of this video you see
the benefits and then join the church of
python I think you'll be able to learn
it faster than you expect especially if
you're already familiar with programming
and by the way if you're studying for
coding interviews check out it's
a side I created has a bunch of free
resources to help you prepare and I've
also started making courses I just
finished up the advanced algorithms
course and I'm going to get started on
the system design course for beginners
so you definitely don't want to miss out
on that okay now let's get started the
first thing you should know about python
is that it's a dynamically typed
language so when we declare a variable
like n and set it to zero we don't have
to declare the type at all so now if we
run the code in print and you can see
it's equal to zero but types are
determined at run time so we can
reassign n to a string now and that's
perfectly fine because n has no type the
type is determined at run time so now we