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- تفسير العهد الجديد - أبونا داود لمعى | (20) رسالة يعقوب - المقدمة والأصحاح الأول - جزء 9/1
تفسير العهد الجديد - أبونا داود لمعى | (20) رسالة يعقوب - المقدمة والأصحاح الأول - جزء 9/1
صفحة القديسة مريم المصرية السائحة
مقدمة رسالة يعقوب ابن حلفا الرسول
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We will start with the blessing of God today, we will start with the message of Jacob.
First, as usual, we will give a introduction, we will understand who is Jacob and what purpose he sent the message to.
We have more than one Jacob in the New Testament.
We have one Jacob famous in the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament, Jacob was the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.
Jacob was translated as James, although both of them are not translated as Jacob.
In the New Testament, there are at least two famous people.
There is Jacob, the son of Zebedee, who is the brother of John.
And there is Jacob, the son of Halpha.
and some say that in the third one, Jacob is the brother of the Lord, and in majority they consider Jacob son of Halpha to be the same.
So let's keep in mind that there are two people, Jacob and John, who were always brothers to Jacob and John.
And Jacob the other, Jacob the son of Halpha, who is called the brother of the Lord because he was the son of the uncle of Jesus Christ.
In history, it is said that there is another Mary, or the other Mary,
which is distinguished from the Virgin Mary.
When they say the other Mary, they usually mean the Virgin Mary,
whose children were included in the majority of the disciples of Christ,
are mentioned in more than one place
Jacob, and Joseph, and Jehovah, and Saman
these four are the brothers of Christ
even the Jews used to say
We do not know his mother, nor his brothers, his brothers are wronged.
In the Eastern language, the brothers are the children of the uncle or the uncle's children.
Because in the old days, the houses were big and they were raised together, so they became brothers.
But, of course, the excellence of Batool is known before, during and after her birth to the Lord Jesus Christ and throughout her life.
and Joseph the Magi was also a sheikh
he did not marry, he did not know the Virgin
and he did not have children
so these are the children of the great uncle of Christ, Jacob
Jacob is the first of the Orshaleans
after the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ
the twelve disciples met with the First Church
and decided that Jacob the son of Halpha
or Jacob the brother of the Lord
the first patriarch in the history of the world
because he was a bit old
and at the same time he was loved by the Jews
meaning Jacob was known for his piety as a Jew
before he was a disciple of God
and so he would be accepted by the community
and the missionaries
because from the beginning he was a loved, kind person
and known by the Jews for his piety
So, this is a good example for the first church in front of the Jewish community that is against the church.
Let me remind you that Jacob Ibn Thabiti, not him who wrote the letter,
because Jacob Ibn Thabiti was the first of the 12 students to go to heaven.
about the year 44 AD when you read the book of deeds, chapter 12
you will find that Herod began to migrate to the land of the Jews
the church, so he wanted to catch the 12 students, so he caught the first one, Ya'qub ibn Zabadi,
and killed him. Then he caught Petrus, and a miracle happened and he got out of prison.
So Ya'qub ibn Zabadi, from a very early age, went to heaven, the first one of the 12. Of
Video Summary & Chapters
No chapters for this video generated yet.
Video Transcript
We will start with the blessing of God, and we will start with the message of Jacob.
First, as usual, we will give an introduction to understand who is Jacob and what is his purpose in sending the message.
We have more than one Jacob in the New Testament.
We have another Jacob famous in the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament, Jacob was the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.
Jacob was translated as Jacob, not James, although both of them are translated as Jacob.
In the New Testament, there are at least two famous people.
Jacob, the son of Zebedee, who is the brother of John, and Jacob, the son of Halpha.
Some say that there is a third person, Ya'qub, the brother of the Lord, and in majority they consider Ya'qub ibn Halfa as the same brother of the Lord.
So let's keep in mind that there are two people, Ya'qub ibn Zabadi, the brother of John, who was always Ya'qub and John, the two brothers.
And Jacob the other, Jacob son of Halpha, who is nicknamed the brother of the Lord, because he was the son of the aunt of Jesus Christ.
In history, it is said that there is another Maryam, or the other Maryam,
which is distinguished from the Virgin Mary.
So when they say the other Maryam, they usually mean the Virgin Mary,
whose children were included in the majority of the disciples of Christ,
are mentioned in more than one place
Jacob, Joseph, Joseph and Saman
these four are the brothers of Jesus
even the Jews used to say
don't we know his mother?
don't we have his brothers?
whose brothers?
in the eastern language
the brothers are the cousins
because in the old times
the houses were big
and they were raised together
They will be brothers.
But, of course, Adra is known to Batool before and after her birth to Jesus Christ and throughout her life.
And Joseph the Magi was also a sheikh to Batool.
He did not marry, and did not know Adra, and did not have children.
So, these are the children of Aunt Christ, the eldest of whom is Jacob.
Jacob is the first of the Archons of Jerusalem.
After the ascension of Jesus Christ, the 12 disciples met with the First Church and decided that Jacob, the brother of God, should be their leader and the first patriarch in the history of the world
Because he was old and at the same time he was loved by the Jews.
That means Jacob was known for his piety as a Jew before he was a disciple of God.
Therefore, he will be accepted by the community of Jerusalem.
Because he was loved and good and known by the Jews for his piety.
So, this is a good example for the first church in front of the Jewish community that is against the church.
Let me remind you that Jacob Ibn Zabadi, not him who wrote the letter, but Jacob Ibn Zabadi,
the first of the 12 students to go to Sam, around the year 44 AD, when you read the book of Acts,
In the 12th chapter of the book of Ishaq, you will find that Herod began to attack the church and wanted to catch the 12 disciples, so he caught the first one, Jacob Ibn Zabadi, and killed him.
Then he caught Peter, and a miracle happened and he was released from prison.
So, Ya'qub ibn Zabadi, from a very young age, went to heaven. He was the first one among the 12.
Of course, he didn't write a speech. He stayed for 10 years to serve the students or more, and went to heaven among the first 12 students.
As for Ya'qub ibn Halfa, he wrote this letter around the year 60 or 61 AD.
So, the time I wrote this letter was in the early 60s of the first century.
Jacob was a pious Jew, and he was a man who was simple and prayed a lot.
This is also evident in his writing style.
You will notice that Paul has a different way of writing than the way of our teacher Jacob.