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- الدروس العلمية لفضيلة الشيخ أ.د. عبدالرزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر - كتاب التوحيد
الدروس العلمية لفضيلة الشيخ أ.د. عبدالرزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر - كتاب التوحيد
- الدروس العلمية لفضيلة الشيخ أ. د. عبدالرزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر
- كتاب التوحيد
- المقدمة
- ليوم : الإثنين , الموافق : 01-09-1445هـ
يمكنكم متابعة الخدمات التوجيهية والإرشادية بالمسجد النبوي من خلال :
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
and that there is no partner for Him.
I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him
and upon his family and companions.
O Allah, teach us what benefits us
and benefit us with what You have taught us, and increase us in knowledge.
And amend for us our God, our entire glory.
And do not be like us to ourselves, a blink of an eye.
As for the next,
then the oneness of God
is the first of the religion, its last, its outer and its inner.
And it is the first of the call of the messengers, and the last of them.
And it is the first
The last thing a person enters into this religion with and the last thing a believer leaves this world with is that no god but Allah entered Paradise.
For him, the creation was created, and the messengers were sent, and the books were revealed, and people were divided into two groups.
His followers are the followers of monotheism, the followers of faith, and the followers of disbelief in Allah, and the followers of polytheism and the followers of apostasy.
Allah has prepared Paradise for those who believe and He has prepared Hell for the disbelievers.
The status of monotheism in religion is a great status.
Its status is a high status.
So, on monotheism, the religion of Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, stands.
It is for religion to be like the roots of trees and the foundations of buildings.
Allah says,
He said,
Have you not seen how Allah gives an example of a good word?
Like a good tree whose root is firm and its branches in the sky,
it gives its fruits at all times by its Lord's permission.
And Allah gives examples to people so that they may remember.
And in front of us is a useful and reliable book,
which is the only one in the statement of monotheism,
which is the right of Allah to His servants,
which is the essence of the messages and their summary,
which is the foundation of the religion of Allah,
The Imam of the Islamic religion, Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab, may Allah have mercy on him,
It is a unique book in its own right.
It is a great book in its purpose and meaning.
It is a comprehensive book in its collection, preparation, and arrangement.
He established it, may Allah have mercy on him, based on the proofs of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet ﷺ.
He has built in it what is more than sixty gates.
All of them are based on the proofs.
He opens the door and then he drives his proofs from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
He has followed the path of the first Imams of Hadith, such as Al-Bukhari and others.
He has been a source of inspiration and is enough to be mentioned as evidence in the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet ﷺ.
Allah has used this book to reform the Tawheed, to clarify its reality, to warn us against associating partners with Allah, to clarify its dangers and the consequences of it,
The Prophet's protection was protected by Tawheed.
And his protection was protected by the blessings of Allah.
The Prophet said,
I was sent by Allah to the Holy Prophet ﷺ
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بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم الحمد لله رب
العالمين واشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده
لا شريك
له واشهد ان محمدا عبده ورسوله
صلى الله وسلم
عليه وعلى اله وصحبه
اجمعين اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا وانفعنا بما
علمتنا وزدنا
علما واصلح لنا الهنا شاننا
كله ولا تكلنا الى انفسنا طرفه
عين اما
التوحيد هو اول الدين واخره وظاهره
وباطنه وهو اول دعوه الرسل
واخرها وهو
اول ما يدخل به المرء في هذا
الدين واخر ما يخرج به المؤمن من
الدنيا ومن كان اخر كلامه من الدنيا لا
اله الا الله دخل
الجنه ولاجله خلقت
الخليقه وارسلت
الرسل وانزلت
وانقسم الناس الى
قسمين اهله اهل التوحيد اهل
الايمان واهل ضده وهو الكفر
بالله والش شرك به سبحانه وتعالى
الانداد وقد اعد الله سبحانه
وتعالى الجنه
لاهل الايمان واعد النار
للكافرين ومقام التوحيد من الدين مقام
عظيم ومنزلته فيه منزله
عليه فعلى التوحيد يقول دين الله سبحانه
وتعالى فه فهو للدين
وكال قواعد
للبنيان قال الله
تعالى الم تر كيف ضرب الله
مثلا كلمه
طيبه كشجره طيبه اصلها ثابت وفرعها في
السماء تؤتي اكلها كل حين باذن ربها ويضرب
الله الامثال للناس لعلهم
يتذكرون وبين
ايدينا مؤلف نافع وكتاب
قيم افرد في بيان
التوحيد الذي هو حق الله على
العبيد الذي هو زبده الرسالات