Shocking: Killer Grandma Celebrates After Murdering Her Son
Discover the chilling story of 63-year-old Cynthia Cdebaca, a once beloved grandmother who harbored a dark secret and celebrated after killing her own son. Learn about the tragic events that unfolded within a troubled family in California.
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Is he alive?
He's not?
Oh good, good, good, good, good, good, good.
Oh, thank you.
This is 63-year-old Cynthia Cdebaca,
a once beloved grandmother and wife who chillingly was hiding a dark secret.
When Cynthia suffered a stroke, her daughter Laura agreed to let her stay in their guesthouse while she recovered,
allowing her to live in comfort near her family.
But comfort is far from what Cynthia experienced,
as inside the lavish, expensive house in California
lived a troubled and unhappy family.
My brother would tell me that she didn't approve
of the way he disciplined the kids.
On the other hand, my brother didn't approve
the way she would discipline his kids.
While outwardly being known as an agreeable
and friendly guy, Lara's husband, Jaward,
was secretly a harsh and aggressive father.
In what he simply called tough love,
He would verbally and physically abuse his family, as well as break his children's toys
when they were young.
they misbehaved.
At one point in a bout of rage, he even threw out Cynthia's late husband's ashes.
But despite all this, the family put up with Gerard's actions, until one day, everything
took a horrifying turn for the worst.
Cynthia had purchased a revolver from a local munitions store.
All she needed now was the trigger, and it wouldn't take long for one to appear.
On her 62nd birthday, before heading out to her granddaughter's spelling bee, Geoward
said something that filled her with rage.
Just a few minutes later, five gunshots would be heard echoing across the neighborhood.
Then five more.
and five more again.
Giroirde's body was found later sprawled across the kitchen floor,
covered from head to toe in 12 bullet holes.
Meanwhile, Cynthia had traveled to a nearby Denny's to order breakfast,
and then went to casually celebrate her birthday at a casino,
completely unfazed by the horrific acts that she'd just committed.
But due to her jaded past with Giroirde,
it wouldn't take long for police to land on Cynthia as a leading suspect,
act, and they picked her up at a coffee shop just hours after the murder.
But who would suspect a sweet old grandma had just killed her own daughter's husband?
Cynthia knew that in custody, all she'd have to do was spin a couple lies, put on an act,
and by all accounts, she'd be set free.
Well, unfortunately, Laura's husband has passed away.
We're going to ask you some questions.
We're going to ask you some questions because we're trying to figure out what happened today,
All right.
Likely realizing that she wasn't going to be winning any awards, it was…