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- 【FULL】王彦霖主场作战遭吴尊“东北式挑衅” Angelababy被鞍山小伙花式告白《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP2 20190503 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
【FULL】王彦霖主场作战遭吴尊“东北式挑衅” Angelababy被鞍山小伙花式告白《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP2 20190503 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
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【FULL】王彦霖主场作战遭吴尊“东北式挑衅” Angelababy被鞍山小伙花式告白《奔跑吧3》 Keep Running S3 EP2 20190503 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
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· 《#奔跑吧兄弟》全6季:http://bit.ly/2WW9uOx
· 《#奔跑吧2》:http://bit.ly/2GRZQcw
· 《#奔跑吧1》:http://bit.ly/2oZuarH
· Keep Running2 ENGSUB :http://bit.ly/2qm3iBF
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· Running Man China S4 ENGSUB: http://bit.ly/1qfn8LL
· Running Man China S3 ENGSUB: http://bit.ly/1T6UOXq
· 2019《#奔跑吧》第3季是由浙江卫视制作的大型户外竞技真人秀节目的标杆之作,是节目《奔跑吧兄弟》的第7季。
· 本季固定嘉宾为:#李晨、#Angelababy(杨颖)、#郑恺、#朱亚文、#王彦霖、#Lucas黄旭熙 、#宋雨琦。前两季固定主持#迪丽热巴、#邓超、#陈赫、#鹿晗、#王祖蓝 因档期原因退出。
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Video Transcript
We'll meet each other first.
Hello, everyone. My name is Du Ganglin.
Hello, everyone. My name is Duan Bowen.
My name is Chen Binghong.
My father is a very strict person.
He treats my father like a brother.
My son is a god in my heart.
Han is a very good kid in my heart.
He is narcissistic.
the game.
I'm young after all.
I'm going to be 20 years old.
I'm very angry.
If I have this chance,
I'll stop.
Someone's back to his hometown.
Let's talk about whether it's a public service
to let him go back to his hometown.
Why does a person
have such treatment?
Why don't we have it?
Wang Yali.
Where is this?
Where is Anshan?
Anshan is my home.
Civilization depends on everyone.
You say it, what benefits did you give to the show?
No, when we were talking just now, he said...
What's wrong with Anshan? Is there a spy?
I said no
You'll know it after playing for a couple of days
There must be no spy
I asked the driver in the car
Do you know Wang Yanlin?
The driver didn't answer me for a long time
No, he gave you a question
He said, master, do you know an actor named Wang Yanlin?
The driver was very calm
I don't know
Welcome to Anshan
This is the hometown of one of our members
Let's welcome the members to your hometown
You represent Anshan now.
You've made up your mind.
On behalf of the old and rich villagers of Anshan,
I welcome you to the beautiful and rich city,
the big Bay Area in the northeast.