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- Understanding Artificial Intelligence: A Beginner's Guide | Crash Course AI #1
Understanding Artificial Intelligence: A Beginner's Guide | Crash Course AI #1
What is artificial intelligence? Explore the impact of AI in everyday life, from loan decisions to personalized care. Learn how AI is shaping the future and discover the polarized views surrounding its use. Join Jabril and John Green Bot in this introductory Crash Course on Artificial Intelligence.
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Video Transcript
Hey there! I’m Jabril.
John Green Bot: And I am John Green Bot
and welcome to Crash Course Artificial Intelligence.
Now, I want to make sure we’re starting
on the same page.
Artificial intelligence is everywhere.
It’s helping banks make loan decisions,
and helping doctors diagnose patients, it’s
on our cell phones, autocompleting texts,
it’s the algorithm recommending YouTube
videos to watch after this one!
AI already has a pretty huge impact on all
of our lives.
So people, understandably, have some polarized
feelings about it.
Some of us imagine that AI will change the
world in positive ways, it could end car accidents
because we have self-driving cars, or it could
give the elderly great, personalized care.
Others worry that AI will lead to constant
surveillance by a Big Brother government.
Some say that automation will take all our
Or the robots might try and kill us all.
No, we’re not worried about you John Green Bot.
But when we interact with AI that’s currently
available like Siri...
Hey Siri.
Is AI going to kill us all?”
Siri: “I don’t understand ‘Is AI going
to kill us all.’”
… it’s clear that those are still distant
Now to understand where artificial intelligence might be headed, and our role in the AI revolution,
we have to understand how we got
to where we are today.
If you know about artificial intelligence
mostly from movies or books, AI probably seems
like this vague label for any machine that
can think like a human.
Fiction writers like to imagine a more generalized
AI, one that can answer any question we might
have, and do anything a human can do.
But that’s a pretty rigid way to think about
AI and it’s not super realistic.
Sorry John Green-bot, you can’t do all that yet.
A machine is said to have artificial intelligence
if it can interpret data, potentially learn
from the data, and use that knowledge to adapt
and achieve specific goals.
Now, the idea of “learning from the data”
is kind of a new approach.
But we’ll get into that more in episode
So let’s say we load up a new program in
John Green-bot.
This program looks at a bunch of photos, some
of me and some of not of me, and then learns
from those data.
Then, we can show him a new photo, like this
selfie of me here in the studio filming this
Crash Course video, and we’ll see if he
can recognize that the photo is me.
John Green Bot: You are Jabril.
If he can correctly classify that new photo,
we could say that John Green-bot has some
artificial intelligence!
Of course, that’s a very specific input
of photos, and a very specific task of classifying
a photo that’s either me or not me.
With just that program John Green-bot can’t
recognize or name anyone who /isn’t/ me…
John Green Bot: You are not Jabril.
He can’t navigate to places.
Or hold a meaningful conversation.
I just don’t get it.