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- How Adam Tiberius Generated $1M in New Business: A Masterclass in Building Markets & Winning Clients
How Adam Tiberius Generated $1M in New Business: A Masterclass in Building Markets & Winning Clients
Discover the secrets behind Adam Tiberius' success in generating $1M in new business. Learn valuable insights on building markets and winning clients from this masterclass.
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Video Transcript
Adam welcome to the podcast great to be
here obviously cool to sit down with you
obviously we met for the very first time
at the live podcast event yeah that you
came to I know you shared with me so I
hope you don't mind me saying obviously
listen to this podcast for a good amount
of time yeah you're one of the very few
people I can imagine who proactively
reaches out to people to say hey loved
your episode would love to ask some
questions about this and I know you've
had some cool conversations with people
off the back of the pod which which is
which is really cool yeah so today
you're in the hot seat I am yeah and
we're going to be really focused on
something that you've done consistently
over the last two years so we're going
to treat this as a bit of a building a
market from scratch
masterclass and the way that you do uh
how you do your business I think people
going to find really interesting but
most of all are going to be able to
learn a lot from so really excited to go
through this with you and we've got a
couple of sections that we're going to
go through and we might end up talking
about few other bits but we're going to
really start with the foundational stuff
which is Market mapping how does Adam
think about that why is it so important
um then we're going to get into the the
detail of actual prospecting because I
know you've mapped this entire process
out then we have Discovery and these
sales meetings conversations how we
approach those and then we've got
delivery and client retention how do we
go about that at zenopa you have a very
committed model that isn't 360 cor it's
uh split into very specific roles which
we're going to talk about so how does
Adam think about uh that model you've
got your own team um so obviously it's
set up in that way and then along the
way we might you know have you share
some challenges learnings but also how
you've got better at coaching getting