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- From UK to Dubai: How Tom Chick Built a $3M Recruitment Team from Scratch
From UK to Dubai: How Tom Chick Built a $3M Recruitment Team from Scratch
Learn how Tom Chick successfully built a $3M recruitment team from scratch, all the way from the UK to Dubai. Join this podcast as Tom shares his journey and insights, offering valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and recruiters.
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Video Transcript
Tom welcome to the
podcast thanks very much for having me
great to be on joining me from Sunny
Dubai very very sunny yeah no it's
perfect perfect time of the year so um a
little bit different to back home but uh
yeah can't
complain so in preparation for this what
we decided we're going to do uh in this
conversation which I think a lot of
people are going to be interested in cuz
I outside looking in I feel like and you
might have more friends in recruitment
than I do but I feel like outside
looking in in the industry there's been
two really popular places that
recruiters have been moving to one is
the US the other is Dubai or the UAE
yeah and you're someone that made that
move I'm going to give everyone a bit of
a background but what we're going to do
in this conversation is we're going to
really break down we've got eight steps
that we've mapped out together in terms
of how can we go to a brand new cont
country completely different culture a
brand new market and hopefully have a
really good chance of succeeding and as
you were telling me before we started
this you're reaping the rewards of the
risk that you took and you know
touchwood you're on the cusp of having
you know the the big issue you've had in
recruitment today and you've been in it
for nearly 15
years so I've sat down with a lot of
people uh that have gone to the US I
haven't sat down as many many people
that have gone to the UAE so really
looking forward to Breaking this down uh
for everyone and and really yeah
hopefully getting the lessons that
you've had to learn the hard way by
being in the
trenches 100% yeah know it sounds good
so happy to share what I can so just to
give everyone a bit of a background and
then let me know if I if I get any of
this wrong so you used to work at um a
company for uh in based in sari area for