CI/CD using Docker + Github + AWS ECS
In this video, we're going to setup CI/CD for a Docker project and ARM64 Architecture, using GitHub + GIthub Actions + AWS ECS
In the previous videos, we developed our AI Voice Assistant project, and deployed on AWS ECS. Now we're going to automate the deployment process for whenever we make changes to the project.
Our project consists in:
1. A backend app using Python and FastAPI
2. A frontend app using React and NextJS
both projects have a Cluster + service on AWS ECS
Project URL on Github:
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in this video you are going to learn how
to set up cicd for your Docker project
using GitHub and NWS
ECS so let's get
started in the previous videos we
created our AI Voice Assistant project
and deployed it on the last day
container service AKA
ECS now it's time to automated
deployment on Cloud for whenever we make
changes to the
project okay perfect so how this project
is going to work so you as a developer
you write the code on your favorite ID
vs code for example so once you write
the code you push the changes to
GitHub and on GitHub we're going to have
two GitHub actions the first GitHub
actions will trigger whenever we make
changes to the backhand site so on the
for the first action whenever we make
changes on the backhand code and the Cod
reaches GitHub the first action will be
triggered to build and deploy the docker
image for the backand service the image
will be built and deployed to ECR
repository so we already have the ECR
repository for the backand which will
receive the latest version for our
Docker project and then we trigger ECS
to read the latest version for our ECR
image for the back end and the same will
happen for the front end when the code
reaches GitHub and we we made some
change on the front end service we're
going to have a second GitHub action
which will read the this process so
whenever we make changes to the front
end front end code on our code base and
this change arrives on GitHub the second
GitHub action will be triggered to do
the same thing it's going to build the
latest version for our code is going to
build and deploy the latest version on
the ECR repository on on AWS for the
frontend service and then we're going to
trigger AWS ECS to read the latest
version for our front end ECR
image and that's pretty much it so let's